Producer Partner – Foundation Risk Partners

Meet Foundation Risk Partners

Their approach is client-centric. Their expert consultants draw upon their unique access to program data to reshape a benefits strategy inclusive of an employer’s financial goals, demographics, culture and benefits philosophy.

The result: customized programs with built-in cost controls preparing employers for evolving healthcare landscapes.

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Difference Card + Foundation Risk Partners

Juntos crecemos.

Together, we have achieved $30 MILLION in savings for Foundation Risk Partners & Difference Card Clients.

Según las cifras:

  • Serving clients together for 7 years
  • 29 Active Mutual Client Accounts
  • Foundation Risk Partners groups can expect around $461,550 savings a year
  • We provide Foundation Risk Partners groups with an average of 23% savings
Gente de negocios discutiendo sobre un nuevo proyecto empresarial en la oficina

Foundation Risk Partners helps New York Non-Profit Group Improve Health Benefits and Save Over $100,000 Annually!

This non-profit organization, located in Long Island, New York, employs over 100 staff members on their health plan. To continue fulfilling their important mission, the organization sought help from their consulting team at Corporate Synergies to improve their benefits package while reducing costs for both staff and the company.

Corporate Synergies, part of the Foundation Risk Partners team, is the newest Difference Card Purple Producer brokerage firm. Foundation Risk and the Difference Card have collaborated for seven years, helping mutual clients save over $30 million on healthcare costs.

Learn how Foundation Risk Partners helped this client by reading the full case study.


Gente de negocios discutiendo sobre un nuevo proyecto empresarial en la oficina
distintivo púrpura de productor

Estado del productor púrpura

Foundation Risk Partners is a preferred Purple Producer

Ventajas del productor púrpura:

  • 50% de descuento en los gastos de instalación
  • No se bloquea en la doble actividad
  • Gestor de cuentas senior dedicado para cualquier grupo de más de 100 vidas
distintivo púrpura de productor

Why we partner with Foundation Risk Partners

Creemos en la cultura empresarial de nuestros socios.

Foundation Risk Partners believes in doing the right thing.

“Foundation Risk Partners and its subsidiaries are proud to help lead the way in helping families, individuals and communities in need of help.”

To date, they have:

  • Supported 35+ Nonprofits
  • Donated an average of $75K each year
  • Have over 10K volunteer hours per year
  • An executive board with 275 members

Learn more about Foundation Risk Partners

Conviértase en socio productor

Sólo nos asociamos con los mejores corredores, agentes generales y productores del sector.

Trabajamos juntos para ofrecer un ahorro y un servicio extraordinarios a nuestros clientes comunes.

Esto nos ha permitido seguir construyendo sobre 20 años de éxito en los que hemos impulsado el ahorro de todos los clientes que han utilizado la Tarjeta Diferencial.

Más información sobre nuestro Programa de Productores de Púrpura

Le ayudamos a destacar.

¿Quiere saber más?

Nuestro equipo de consultores de ventas y retención altamente capacitados ha estado ayudando a los productores a hacer crecer sus negocios durante los últimos veinte años.


¿Está preparado para convertirse en socio productor?

Empiece enviando una solicitud de propuestas a nuestro equipo.

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