
Spotlight of the Month on Difference Card Broker & Partner, David Jensen

David Jensen - Senior VP at USI Insurance Services
December 26, 2023

Congratulations to David Jensen, of USI Insurance Services, for being named the Difference Card Broker Partner of the Month for December 2023! David Jensen is Senior Vice President in the USI New York office. David recently worked with Senior Consultant Bob Holt from The Difference Card’s Northeast Team to help a transportation company achieve significant […]

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Industry Spotlight – Manufacturing: Pennsylvania-Based Manufacturer Saves Over $250,000 on Health Insurance Costs

Pennsylvania Manufacturing Company Saves Over $250,000 with The Difference Card
December 14, 2023

This month’s industry spotlight illustrates how the Difference Card’s Guarantee strategy within the Manufacturing space can save employers in this industry hundreds of thousands of dollars. The Difference Card helped a Sheet Metal Finisher with a nationwide presence create the most cost-effective healthcare plan for their January 1st renewal. This manufacturing employer had been a […]

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Felices fiestas de parte de The Difference Card!

December 12, 2023

Season’s Greetings from The Difference Card Team! As the year comes to a close, we want to extend our warmest wishes for a joyous holiday season to our valued clients and partners. This year, we’re spreading cheer with our Difference Card Holiday Card Video, a heartfelt expression of gratitude and festive spirit. In this special […]

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2023 End-of-Year Checklist for Employee Benefits

December 8, 2023

As another year draws to a close, human resources representatives have a prime opportunity to manage and review employee benefits, verifying they remain compliant with local and state regulations while being up to date. To ensure a smooth transition into 2024, start by confirming beneficiary information, double-checking the payroll and tax checklist, ensuring you understand […]

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