
A Double Shot of Joe: Insights from Joe Lawler on Healthcare Solutions

May 16, 2024

Cup of Joe | Ep. 5 – May In the bustling city of Newport, RI, amidst the buzz of the 2024 Difference Card growth conference, Joseph Donovan, CEO of The Difference Card, sat down with Joseph Lawler of USI Insurance Services for an enlightening conversation. The fifth episode of Cup of Joe podcast series brought […]

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What Is an ICHRA and How Does It Work?

Learn about ICHRAs
May 14, 2024

What Is an ICHRA and How Does It Work? An individual coverage health reimbursement arrangement (ICHRA) is a flexible health benefits option, and it’s growing in popularity in 2024. It allows employers to reimburse employees for a portion or all of their health insurance premiums. Compared to traditional group plans, ICHRA health insurance suits employees […]

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Common Misconceptions of the MERP

Common Misconceptions of the MERP
May 10, 2024

Common Misconceptions of the MERP According to the latest statistics from the American Medical Association, each person in the U.S. spends an average of $13,493 on healthcare in 2022. That’s a significant portion of many employees’ annual salaries. Businesses that cover part of these medical expenses help encourage employee loyalty while helping staff prioritize their well-being. As […]

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HSA Limits: Maximizing Healthcare Savings

May 10, 2024

HSA account holders are now be able to contribute more money to their HSA . The HSA contributions limits are adjusted for inflation each year, and HSA annual limits are released every April or May by the IRS. HSA Contribution Limits The HSA contribution limits for 2025 have been adjusted to reflect the cost of […]

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Spotlight of the Month on Difference Card Broker Partner, Caleb Howland

May 8, 2024

Congratulations to Caleb Howland, of USI, for being named the Difference Card Broker Partner of the Month for May 2024! Caleb Howland is a Senior Employee Benefits Advisor for USI in their Fort Lauderdale, Florida office. Caleb recently worked with Senior Consultant Oldemar Da Silva from The Difference Card’s Southeast Team to help a food […]

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