
Difference Card Broker Partner, Shepherd Insurance

Spotlight of the Month on Difference Card Broker Partner, Shepherd Insurance

November 28, 2023

Congratulations to the Shepherd Insurance team, of Chris Maynard and Andrew Hunt, for being recognized as the Difference Card Broker Partners of the Month for November 2023!

Chris Maynard, MBA AAI is the Employee Benefits Partner at Shepherd Insurance office located in Evansville, Indiana. Chris has been in the insurance industry for over ten years with a focus on health benefits for public entities. Andrew Hunt is an Employee Benefits Advisor at Shepherd Insurance and has been with the firm for over five years. Chris and Andrew recently worked with Jennifer Revell, a Senior Consultant from the Difference Card Midwest team, to assist several Indiana local government entities to deliver equal to or better than benefits at a significantly lower cost.

A recent public sector win for both Shepherd Insurance and Difference Card was a County in Indiana. This local government was faced with a 19% renewal increase with their current carrier, UnitedHealthcare. The Shepherd team worked with Jennifer to deliver better benefits at a better price. This County lowered their member cost liability from $5,000 to $1,700, which was a significant win for the staff. In addition to the improved benefits, the County was able to bring their renewal increase to a level within their budget. This County utilized the Difference Card’s Difference Guarantee Monthly Budget program to put a cap of their liability and guarantee savings on both a monthly and annual basis. The Monthly Budget solution provided this local government customer with a fixed budget approach for their monthly cash flow.

Shepherd Insurance started as a local brokerage firm in Carmel, Indiana over forty years ago and has grown to one of the largest Top 50 independent insurance agencies in the country. The Shepherd team provides insurance and employee benefit solutions through the country and has received numerous awards for their growth, leadership and amazing workplace culture.

To partner with Shepherd Insurance and learn more about their unique Difference Card Strategy, email either Chris at or Andrew at

La Difference Card es una estrategia plurianual que ayuda a las empresas de todos los sectores a ahorrar una media del 18% de sus costes de seguro médico, al tiempo que suele mejorar las prestaciones para los empleados.

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