April Case Study: The Difference Card Helps Global Shipping Company To Reduce Health Insurance Costs By Over $400,000, Guaranteed!
This client employs over 400 people in the Mid-West market. They provide supply chain solutions, transportation management, freight forwarding and warehouse services for organizations across the world. In this competitive industry, they were looking to enhance margin by reducing their health insurance cost. When faced with an 8% renewal increase from Aetna, their consultant connected with Rachel Wilburn, the Difference Card Senior Consultant for the Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia markets. Rachel worked closely with the brokerage team to design a solution that would ultimately reduce their client’s health insurance spend by -10% on a guaranteed basis.
Of the eligible employee population, 341 had chosen to enroll in the health insurance program through their carrier, Aetna. The current premium was $3.9 Million and would have exceeded four million dollars with the proposed rate increase. That was the breaking point for this employer. Their consultant worked with the Difference Card and Aetna teams to price out a higher deductible plan option that reduced the fixed costs by -23% for this employer. After analyzing this population Difference Card underwriting came back with a guaranteed savings of $412,917. The Difference Card team outlined a plan that would maintain the great level of benefits for this organization, while significantly reducing their fixed costs.
Because ease of administration and fixed monthly payments were two other points that were important to this company, the consultant steered this employer towards the Difference Card’s Monthly Budget solution. This program feature provides a simple accounting and banking experience for the employer. In addition, the employer will receive 100% return of any surplus, which means they could save as much as one million dollars annually, if their member utilization comes in better than the maximum liability amount.
“Although the client was facing a single digit increase, our broker partner knew this valuable client was leaving money on the table. By using the Difference Card Monthly Budget product, we were able to together, achieve the goals of guaranteed savings while not changing the benefit plan nor the carrier. In addition, our integration with Aetna made it a seamless strategy for their employees. We appreciate this client’s trust in us to offer this creative solution.”
–Rachel Wilburn, Senior Consultant
The Difference Card helps employers in all industries, to save an average of over 18% on their health insurance costs, while often improving benefits and the experience for employees.
To learn how much The Difference Card can save you, find a consultant in your region or request a proposal today.