
2024 FSA Contribution Limits Announced

November 10, 2023

The IRS announced the new limits on November 9, 2023. Request a Proposal Highlights of changes coming in 2024: FSA Contributions: Contributions to a healthcare flexible spending account have increased $150 to $3,200 – up from $3,050 in 2023. FSA Carryover Amount: If the employer allows for carry-over, FSA participants can now carry over $640 […]

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What Are Qualifying Life Events and How Do They Affect My FSA?

August 8, 2023

Qualifying life events can affect the type of coverage and contribution for health insurance, so it’s important to understand what situations the FSA considers. While you can’t change your contribution any time you want, FSA qualifying events mean you can change your coverage outside of the open period. We understand that saving on healthcare costs […]

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Tax Benefits of Flexible Spending Accounts for Employers

April 19, 2023

Flexible spending accounts are an increasingly popular employee benefit that offers tax advantages for employees and employers. FSAs enable employees to put aside pre-tax dollars to cover eligible medical and dependent care expenses. While employees benefit from reduced taxable income and cost savings, employers can also take advantage of tax benefits associated with offering FSAs. […]

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FSA Eligible Sunscreen with Skincare Benefits

August 3, 2022

Summer is in full swing and you’ve probably been enjoying the extra daylight, warm temps, and (hopefully) slower days. But sometimes swimming, time spent outdoors, and long walks with your dog can result in damage from the sun like skin irritation from sunburn, dry skin, or even uneven patches. So how do you take care […]

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HSA vs. FSA: Comparing Strategies

June 20, 2022

What is the difference between a Health Savings Account and a Flexible Spending Account? A health savings account (HSA) and a flexible spending account (FSA) are both great savings vehicles to make your dollars stretch further for healthcare costs. With either option, your employer can contribute pretax dollars into your account, and you can use […]

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The Power of Tax-Advantaged Benefit Accounts

June 7, 2022

If you’re confused and overwhelmed by tax-advantaged benefit accounts that are offered alongside your health insurance plan, you’re not alone. With July open enrollment season quickly approaching, you may find yourself wondering what tax-advantaged accounts are, how they can help you, and what the differences are among them. Request a Proposal What are tax-advantaged benefit […]

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Must-have FSA eligible products for your kids’ spring break

March 14, 2022

As March gives way to April, it is officially spring and before you know it, your kids will be home from school for their annual spring break. This is typically a very busy week for most families, as they are beginning to enjoy the great outdoors, taking vacations and generally enjoying everything the new season […]

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Can I have an FSA and HSA? Exploring compatible tax-free account options

September 29, 2021

Whether you’re single, married, or have a growing family, healthcare may be a large chunk of your budget every year, and it can be particularly costly with a high-deductible health insurance plan. Fortunately, there are a couple of tax-friendly accounts, Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) that can make medical expenses more […]

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Which Sunscreen is Right for Me?

July 16, 2021

What SPF Should I Use? The sun plays a very important role in our everyday lives. It helps keep our sleep pattern on track and helps our bodies produce Vitamin D, which is important for bone function and healthy skin. But like most things, it’s only good in moderation. And for those who love the […]

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Covid-19 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Now Qualifies as a Medical Expense

April 1, 2021

On Friday March 26th, The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released an Announcement 2021-7 that Covid-19 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) qualifies as medical expenses under section 213(d). These items are now eligible for payment or reimbursement under Healthcare Flexible Spending Accounts, Health Reimbursement Arrangements and Health Savings Accounts. Request a Proposal PPE expenses include items such as, but […]

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