
May 1 COVID-19 Update: A message from our CEO

May 1, 2020

Hello team-

We continue to monitor the affects of COVID-19 on our business. We certainly have our challenges when it comes to adapting to this new normal just like everyone else, but we are encouraged by the fact that we are progressing through this better than expected.

Our attrition rate remains below normal and our enrollment numbers are staying remarkable strong with a minor drop in membership for this month.

As some states begin to reopen, I know many of your are curious about when we will be able to return to our office. Out of an abundance of caution and because you have all been performing so well from home, we are choosing to keep our offices closed through the month of May.

Your health and safety is our number one priority. When we have more clarity on when we can re-open safely, we will give you a definitive date for return.

For now, continue with your work from home routine. Don’t forget to prioritize your mental health and wellbeing by scheduling PTO and taking breaks when needed.

Be well,
Gregg Lehman, CEO

P.S – Did you know that you can now customize your chat background in the Microsoft Teams app? Learn how here!

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