
How Technology Can Empower Health Insurance Brokers

April 15, 2024

How Technology Can Empower Health Insurance Brokers It’s no secret that technology has impacted almost every facet of modern life. One of the last industries to join this technological revolution is health insurance brokers, who often use paper-based processes or standalone systems. As more companies demand tools and technology that can help them serve a […]

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How to Combat High Healthcare Costs

How to Combat High Healthcare Costs
April 3, 2024

How to Combat High Healthcare Costs American healthcare costs have always been high — yet the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services predicts they will increase by another 5% throughout 2024. Companies that provide job-based healthcare will feel the impact more severely, triggering them to shop around for better products. As a producer, you have the task of finding […]

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The Most Popular Benefits to Offer in 2024

March 7, 2024

Most Popular Employee Benefits to Offer in 2024 Employee benefits are indicative of a workplace that values and supports its employees. A comprehensive employment package is vital in today’s competitive job market. As individuals become increasingly aware of the norm in employment benefits, what you add to your offer will showcase a well-rounded work environment […]

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The Best Ways to Help Clients Manage Group Insurance Costs

March 7, 2024

Request a proposal Employers find it important to provide a comprehensive benefits package to attract and retain employees. As an insurance broker, you must make this easier for employers by reducing the costs as much as possible. Group health insurance plans are an effective way to lower employee insurance costs, and you can reduce the […]

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2023 End-of-Year Checklist for Employee Benefits

December 8, 2023

As another year draws to a close, human resources representatives have a prime opportunity to manage and review employee benefits, verifying they remain compliant with local and state regulations while being up to date. To ensure a smooth transition into 2024, start by confirming beneficiary information, double-checking the payroll and tax checklist, ensuring you understand […]

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¿Cumple la ERISA? Siga esta lista de comprobación

19 de octubre de 2023

¿Es usted una empresa que ofrece planes de jubilación y asistencia sanitaria a sus empleados? ¿Quiere saber cómo cumplir la Ley de Seguridad de Ingresos de Jubilación de los Empleados (ERISA)? Si la respuesta es afirmativa, ha llegado al lugar adecuado. Esta guía simplifica los requisitos de cumplimiento de ERISA y ofrece una lista de comprobación para ayudarle a [...]

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Qué pasa con su cuenta de ahorros si deja su trabajo

8 de agosto de 2023

If you’ve been laid off or decided to leave your job, you may be wondering what will happen to your health savings account (HSA). Since you’re the owner of your HSA, it’ll follow you wherever you go. This means you’ll still have your HSA, whether employed, unemployed or switching jobs. Request a proposal What Is […]

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Planes de salud con deducible alto frente a planes con deducible bajo: Cómo elegir

11 de julio de 2023

Request a proposal and Learn More Choosing the right health insurance plan can be overwhelming. We get it — that’s why we created this quick guide to high deductible vs. low deductible health plans. The Difference Between High and Low Deductible Health Insurance Let’s break down some key terms before we really dive in: Deductible: What […]

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Fondos de la HSA: ¿debería conservarlos o invertirlos?

30 de junio de 2023

Una cuenta de ahorros sanitarios puede ayudarle a ahorrar para sus gastos sanitarios y ofrecerle ventajas fiscales. Si tiene fondos depositados en su HSA, quizá se pregunte si debería mantener el dinero en su cuenta o invertirlo en otro activo para aumentar sus ahorros. A continuación, le explicaremos más sobre cómo conservar o invertir los fondos de la HSA, incluyendo [...]

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Ventajas fiscales del plan HSA para las empresas

20 de junio de 2023

Si está a cargo de crear los paquetes de beneficios para sus empleados, no querrá pasar por alto una Cuenta de Ahorros para la Salud (HSA). Con una HSA, puede beneficiarse de varias ventajas fiscales que le permitirán alcanzar el éxito tanto a usted como a su equipo. Estas cuentas funcionan esencialmente como cuentas de ahorro personales. Los empleados pueden depositar [...]

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