
Difference Card Digest: Looking Back at Q4

February 1, 2023

Quarterly Updates from The Difference Card

The Difference Card Digest - Q4 2022

Attracting Top Talent & Reducing Employee Turnover with Better Benefits

Attracting Top Talent & Reducing Employee Turnover with Better Benefits

The #1 driver of retention is benefits. Companies that prioritize health care benefits experience 27% lower turnover rates.

Read expert strategies to combat turnover

Read our featured case studies - The Difference Card

Every month, we highlight an industry that achieved great savings with The Difference Card.

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Notable news alerts from The Difference Card

Notable News

We are highlighting some of our most notable news here at The Difference Card.

Read More Notable News

How to Offer and Set up an HSA for Employees

Traditional group health insurance costs have risen steadily over the years, making high deductible health insurance plans with health savings accounts (HSA) a more attractive option for employers and their workers.

Interested in learning more about The Difference Card?

The Difference Card can create a solution that delivers better benefits at a better price.

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