
7 Ways HR Professionals Can Thrive During 2022 Open Enrollment  

October 26, 2021

Innovation during Open Enrollment can help employers set themselves apart. The Covid-19 pandemic has forced us all to change and adapt.  Before March 2020, Open Enrollment meant in-person benefit fairs with pretty tables, flyers, and giveaways.  But the Covid-19 pandemic and social distancing requirements has put a halt to traditional Open Enrollment sessions and pointed […]

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October Case Study: Difference Card Saves California Aerospace Distribution Company Over $100,000

October 19, 2021

Using our proprietary MERP (Medical Expense Reimbursement Plan) strategy, The Difference Card helped a California Aerospace and Defense Distributor build the most cost-effective healthcare plan for their October renewal.   The company was receiving a 3.8% renewal increase from Aetna. This Distribution Company’s Health Insurance Broker engaged The Difference Card to help with a solution to reduce this renewal WITHOUT changing the benefits to staff.  Request a Proposal Our California team […]

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How to Create an HSA Spending and Saving Strategy for 2022

October 12, 2021

With 2022 just around the corner, what better time than now than to come up with a HSA spending and saving strategy? As your HSA is an account you can pull money from, it’s important to see how it ties into your larger spending plan. Learn More About HSAs A bright spot in an otherwise […]

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Healthy Habits & Health Insurance: Our New 3-Part Webinar Series!

October 5, 2021

Join us for this exciting 3-part series! The Difference Card is excited to launch a brand-new, 3-Part Webinar Series focused on creating a productive and healthy fourth quarter – both by generating new business AND by taking care of your mental wellbeing during a typically stressful season.  This unique webinar series will help you calm […]

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Can I have an FSA and HSA? Exploring compatible tax-free account options

September 29, 2021

Whether you’re single, married, or have a growing family, healthcare may be a large chunk of your budget every year, and it can be particularly costly with a high-deductible health insurance plan. Fortunately, there are a couple of tax-friendly accounts, Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) that can make medical expenses more […]

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Why The Difference Card Uses a MERP to Build Custom Plan Designs

Why The Difference Card Uses a MERP to Build Custom Plan Designs
September 22, 2021

There are many employer benefit funding options that maintain pre-tax status with the IRS. One common plan is referred to as an HRA, or Health Reimbursement Arrangement. Some employers allow their workers to direct payroll deductions into an FSA to cover certain medical expenses on a pre-tax basis. Others offer to purchase transit passes on […]

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September Case Study: Pennsylvania Manufacturer Saves $50,995 on Renewal Using The Difference Card

September 15, 2021

Using our proprietary MERP (Medical Expense Reimbursement Plan) strategy, the Difference Card helped a Pennsylvania Manufacturer navigate a difficult September renewal. The client was receiving a 19.4% renewal increase from UPMC. This manufacturer’s Health Insurance Broker engaged The Difference Card to help with a solution to reduce this renewal WITHOUT changing the benefits to staff. […]

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What Is an HSA & How Does It Work?

September 1, 2021

More Americans are starting to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) to assist with their healthcare costs. As HSAs gain popularity, you’ll likely want to know if an HSA is right for you, especially if your employer offers an HSA in its benefits package with a Qualified High Deductible Health Plan (QHDHP). Fortunately, understanding a Health […]

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